Medical Marijuana Card in Santa Monica, CA 2024

18 minute read
Medical Marijuana Card in Santa Monica

Medical Marijuana Card in Santa Monica

Issuing a Cannabis Card in Santa Monica

Santa Monica is one of the most visited by tourists cities in California, which is popular among people not only because of its close proximity to Central Los Angeles but also because of the beauty of the waterfront and the famous pier that abuts the Pacific Ocean and symbolizes the beautiful American Dream.

In addition, Santa Monica is considered a separate administrative unit, and therefore, although subject to the federal laws of the state, it has its own specific regulations and standards of law and order. Considered the most liberal in relation to the medical marijuana program, the state of California gives every person the opportunity to receive official permission to purchase and store a certain amount of medical marijuana for therapeutic or recreational purposes. Even though there is a fairly free policy regarding this issue, in order to buy marijuana in special MJ dispensaries, you should have an approved prescription from a doctor. Also, if you have all necessary permits, you can also issue a special MMJ card for medical institutions and medical clinics — and you will not have any questions about the legality of buying healing weed.



Marijuana Laws in Santa Monica

The main law that regulates the trade and use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes within California state territory is SB420. The proclamation of the law declares, that for the purchase of medical marijuana in pharmacies or mobile dispensaries, each visitor needs to have an approved recommendation (prescription) from a qualified specialist or special MMJ ID card. Thanks to the approval of this law, many people were able to secure access to therapeutic marijuana. In a huge variety of diverse diseases, its use can significantly suppress a number of symptoms, ranging from headaches to prevention of inflammatory processes. More information about the main provisions of the law is available via the link:

Among the main medical problems that predispose to receiving marijuana in therapeutic amounts, include the following:

  • Chronic stress and anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Sleep disorders
  • Joint spasms and arthritis.
  • Pain syndromes of the widest range.
  • Improving the general condition of patients with severe diseases, such as HIV, problems with metabolism (anorexia) and other diseases.
  • Reduction of tremor and suppression of muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis.
  • Nausea, including during or after chemotherapy.
  • Dermatosis and mucosal lesions.
  • Psychoses and paranoia.

In any case, for the purchase of healing marijuana in one of the points of sale — whether it is a pharmacy or a mobile dispensary — you will definitely need a prescription or recommendation from a qualified medic.

How-To Get a Medical Cannabis Card in Santa Monica

How-To Get a Medical Cannabis Card in Santa Monica, California

To issue a Medical Cannabis Card for the purchase of medical strains of marijuana in special mobile dispensaries or related pharmacies, you will need an approved recommendation from a qualified doctor. Issuing a recommendation occurs after a visit to the doctor or after an online interview, which is also considered a legal method of obtaining permission to buy and store healing marijuana for therapeutic or recreational purposes in stipulated quantities.

If you are constantly busy and cannot allocate enough time for a personal visit to the doctor, the best way out of the situation will be to receive the relevant recommendations through an online interview. At the moment, there are several organizations in the state of California, that provide such services, and one of the most famous and popular of which is the Dr. Weedy. Thanks to the functionality of the service, you can schedule an online interview with a qualified specialist online and get an official recommendation on the registration of the MMJ card. Also, you can immediately pay one of the three tariff plans provided to each user.

In order to get an official and legal recommendation or issue a special MMJ ID card using the Dr. Weedy online service, you need to follow the instructions:

  • To begin, each user has to register on the Dr. Weedy project website. You can register in just a few minutes. Choose the appropriate tariff plan — they differ in the method of issuing an approved recommendation. So, at the moment, our service offers you three basic tariff plans — the first involves issuing the usual recommendation from the doctor in PDF format, the second — the standard paper document and its electronic PDF copy (the documents will be sent to you by mail), the third is all the necessary recommendations + plastic MMJ card itself.
  • After choosing a specific tariff plan, you will need to fill out a form. In the questionnaire, you must specify information about yourself, upload a few photos in the standard format for issuing documents. After uploading photos and specifying information, click “save” and wait until the information is saved in your personal profile on the site.
  • After, you will need to confirm registration via email. After confirmation, the information will be saved in your profile, but a qualified specialist will not see it yet.
  • Your information will be sent to the doctor for an evaluation of your health and the availability of objective reasons for prescribing medical marijuana to you. Usually, the assessment of information occurs within 420 seconds, and if the physician needs additional information about you, he will contact you through the contacts indicated in the questionnaire — for example, by phone or via popular video calling services.
  • After approval of the recommendation, you will receive an email notification. After that, you need to pay for the Dr. Weedy services using popular e-commerce or banking systems. Our online platform provides each client with the broadest opportunities to pay for services in a convenient form.
  • After payment, you will be sent an electronic copy of the recommendation in PDF format. If you ordered standard documents or issuing an MMJ card, they will be delivered to you by mail within 3-6 business days.

Dr. Weedy is one of the most convenient services for issuing an official, legal recommendations from qualified doctors to use medical marijuana. Thanks to the functions of the service, you can not only prepare yourself an official permit for the purchase and use of marijuana for medical purposes in the shortest possible time but also get expert help in choosing a particular healing marijuana strain. Our service has a database of leading experts in the field of cultivation of medical marijuana, which can help you choose exactly the variety that will be most effective in your particular case.

420 Evaluations & Recommendation


420 Evaluations & Recommendation

Previously, it was hard enough to get a medical recommendation for the purchase of medical marijuana, despite the laws, adopted in the 90s, legalizing this process. First, it was necessary to find a qualified medic with an official license to issue such prescriptions and then go through a long and complicated process of evaluating the state of health and collecting all the necessary documents. And even after that, it was necessary to wait long weeks until your MMJ card was ready to purchase marijuana in special mobile dispensaries or pharmacies.

Nowadays, with the advent of numerous online services and the ability to schedule an interview with a qualified doctor in an online mode, the process of issuing permits to purchase medical marijuana has become much easier and faster. On the Internet, you can find an electronic database with the contact details of the relevant services and qualified medical professionals who are able to issue a legal recommendation and help you with the release of the ID card.

One of the leaders in this area is the Dr. Weedy online service. Due to the flexibility and functionality of the service, you will be able to execute the necessary documents for the subsequent issuance of the ID card as soon as possible. A broad base of doctors and an interactive calendar allow you to schedule an online interview at your convenience, during which a qualified physician will evaluate your health condition and prerequisites for issuing recommendations for therapeutic use of cannabis. Thanks to an optimized model of working with clients, everyone who applies for help will be able to receive recommendations on the same day. After passing the interview and making a positive decision on your problem — and negative decisions are extremely rare — you will be provided with official and legal recommendations, which can then be used to the following issue a special MMJ ID card. Our service can help with its issuance, and for this, you will need to choose one of the four provided tariff plans, involving a different membership fee and a different set of benefits, starting with the official permission to purchase certain quantities of medical varieties of marijuana, and ending with the permission to grow marijuana.

More information about original MJ law is available via the link:

Where-To Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Santa Monica

Where-To Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Santa Monica

Today, the purchase of medical marijuana in the state of California is completely legal with the official permission from a qualified medic. However, a more optimal solution would be to issue an MMJ ID card, as it is easily recognized by law enforcement officers and provides all the necessary personal information in the event of a conflict or misunderstanding. The document provides the opportunity to purchase medical marijuana in any relevant institution — from large pharmaceutical networks of pharmacies to small private dispensaries conducting legal activities in the state.

Issuing MMJ ID cards is handled by an official administrative body operating under the Medical Marijuana Identification Program. Representative offices of this organization can be found in almost any large medical center, and you can contact representatives and get all the necessary information through one of the relevant websites.

All the necessary documents can be obtained by e-mail or in person, in one of the representative offices of the organization. This opportunity greatly simplifies the process of issuing an MMJ ID card. In essence, card issuing requires only the presence of necessary documents and a one-time visit to a qualified specialist, whether it is in person or online.

In addition to providing services of issuing recommendations for the further acquisition of healing marijuana, the Dr. Weedy online service provides unique services to advise clients on individual aspects of marijuana use for therapeutic purposes. Also, each Dr. Weedy customer can use the services of an expert in the cultivation of medical marijuana strains to determine the specific strain, that would fit in their particular case. Years of experience with a variety of diseases allows our specialists to objectively recommend these or other varieties for therapeutic use because they can substantially differ from each other. Most healing marijuana strains have a low level of psychotropic THK component and a high CBD level, which has an anesthetic and calming effect. In addition, in the modern market there are types of marijuana, which allow suppressing even muscle spasms and inflammatory processes, therefore, the advice of a specialist will be necessary when issuing a prescription for the treatment of certain diseases associated with these symptoms.


Popular healing weed strains in Santa Monica

One of the main advantages of using Dr. Weedy services is the possibility of obtaining individual advice on the most appropriate strain of medical marijuana in your particular case. So, the doctor can evaluate your current health state and provide an official recommendation for the use of diverse medical strains of cannabis, but in order to determine the most appropriate strain for your problems particularly, it is necessary to consult with specialists in the field of cultivation and growing of healing weed. So, among the most common strains of medical cannabis in Santa Monica, are the following:

  • Angel OG. A hybrid, mostly indica, strain with a vivid “stoner” effect, envelops the body from head to toe with a pleasant, relaxing effect. Perfectly relieves the body of chronic pain, suppressing them at a high level even for healing marijuana, in addition, has the unique properties of restoring sleep, allowing even clinical insomnia to be overcome. And there is no need to mention other useful characteristics of this variety, including the overcoming of stress, chronic fatigue, and depressions — this MJ strain copes with them at the level of your personal esoteric psychologist. In addition, it is very often recommended for healing arthritis and muscle spasms associated with many serious diseases, due to its strong muscle-relaxing effect.

More information is available via the link:

  • Doctor Doctor (2Doc). This rather rare variety is a sativa with a high content of CBD, most often imported from Asia. Possesses exceptional properties to overcome stress and depression. This is one of the strongest CBD strains, which is characterized by a very low amount of THC, therefore it is ideal for medical use. The other properties of this healing strain are the suppression of nausea, inflammatory processes and a significant relaxing effect while maintaining almost complete clarity of mind. It is an ideal choice for those patients who need a pronounced relaxing effect with low psychedelic effects, which is why it is often prescribed for patients with senile diseases.

More information is available via the link:

  • Blueberry Cookies. Hybrid healing MJ strain, very popular among users of our service. Often prescribed to patients with a huge range of different health problems, including chronic inflammatory processes, chronic pain and depressed mental state associated with insomnia and depression. Perfectly fights lack of appetite, and the effect of this strain is characterized by pleasant relaxation, characteristic of Indica strains, without a pronounced “stoner”, which allows you to be in high spirits without any special disturbances in motor coordination or cloudiness of the mind.

More information is available via the link:

Places in Santa Monica to go while medicated

Read more about the Online Medical Marijuana Card Renewal in California

Places in Santa Monica to go while medicated

Santa Monica is one of the most popular cities on the West Coast of the United States, so in any case, wherever you go, the exciting atmosphere of the American Dream comes true here. Cozy coastal establishments, the famous beach, and other local attractions will not let you get bored. And yet we specifically selected a list of those places that are ideal if you are in really high medicated spirits.

Pacific Park

The famous amusement park is the place that is one of the symbols of the City of Angels. A huge variety of attractions and a breathtaking view of the Pacific Ocean will make even an ordinary walk through this park unforgettable. If this is your first time in Santa Monica, then this place is a must-see. Given the liberal local policy regarding the recreational and medical use of marijuana, you can smoke a joint right on the pier without evoking passers-by. And what about the sunset or sunrise from the pier, in particular, embellished with a slight psychedelic effect of marijuana — this is not to convey, we can only advise you to try.

More information:

Tongva Park

This park is located very close to the beach and the Santa Monica Pier lost in the city’s streets and buildings. Very cozy place for evening walks, in addition, there is a huge amount of solitary places to spend time with friends. The infrastructure is also very well developed — there are many quiet establishments around it, and you can both enjoy riding bicycles, roller skates, and boards, as well as a snack right in a park. Fresh ocean breeze and murmuring brooks give this place a special shade of comfort and beauty in the evening hours, so you can always relax here while medicating.

More information: 

Annenberg Community Beach House

An excellent place for a beach holiday, located in the heart of the famous Ocean Drive — one of the symbols of Los Angeles. Developed infrastructure, the opportunity to soak up on the beach or by the pool, as well as constant recreational activities will not let you get bored. A wonderful cozy place to relax after a busy day alone with relaxed thoughts or friends.

More information:


Need an mmj card in another city? Check here:

Los Angeles Vallejo San Francisco Modesto San Diego Ontario Sacramento Pasadena San Jose Oakland Santa Ana Fresno Long Beach Bakersfield Riverside Berkeley

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