Medical Marijuana Card in Santa Ana (CA)

18 minute read
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Santa Ana is located 16 kilometers east of the Pacific Ocean coast, within the metropolitan area of ​​Greater Los Angeles. The city is located on a plain and is a cozy quiet suburb of the City of Angels. The population is just over 300 thousand people. One of the state’ agricultural industry centers soon became an integral part of the second largest agglomeration of the USA.

Santa Ana is subject to the administrative regulations and laws of Orange County, and therefore, it’s totally legal to use medicinal MJ within the borders of the city, according to the law SB 420. Santa Ana has an even more liberal policy on healing cannabis than in other cities of Orange County — special mobile MJ dispensaries are continue to operate freely in the Santa Ana, while they are officially restricted in other counties of California.

More information is available via the link:,_California.


Marijuana Laws in Santa Ana

Santa Ana is the only in California that has regularly authorized the service of special MJ mobile cannabis medical dispensaries. Although it is limited to just 20 names of companies, officially approved by the city administration, it expands the scope of medical cannabis use for health care purposes. It is not always possible to find the necessary cannabis strain in administrative pharmacies, so expanding the possibility of choosing a place to purchase provides unique opportunities for the population to find specific strain, that completely will fit their healing needings. Other legislative measures are taken to liberalize the use of cannabis were taken back in 2018 and completely support the use of cannabis for recreation. To its purchase are allowed persons over the age of 21 who are residents of Santa Ana.

On November 4, 2014, at a public vote, the activities of mobile dispensaries and other enterprises engaged in the cultivation and selling of healing cannabis were legalized as part of CA Proposition 64.

In general, California provides the most liberal laws for the use of medical cannabis than other US states. For many years, there is nothing special, when the physician advises you on marijuana as a remedial agent for stopping certain symptoms of disease during an appointment. Of course, there is a pre-established list of conditions for the buying of cannabis — in particular, for purchases in pharmaceutical institutions and special dispensaries, you must have an approved prescription or recommendation from a qualified medical professional. More recently, these measures have been simplified, and now everyone can get a special plastic MMJ ID card. It acts as a formal confirmation of permission to buy marijuana in medical institutions, such as pharmacies, and in regular stores selling psychoactive marijuana.

More information is available by the reference:

How-To Get a Medical Cannabis Card in Santa Ana

To get a Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC), you have to request a special form via the Internet, by mail or in person, during an appointment with a doctor. To complete the form, you will need to specify certain personal information:

  • Valid photo ID. A driver’s license or any other identification document issued by state administrative bodies will also be suitable;
  • Proof of residence in the city of Santa Ana — driver’s license or, for example, a card of the veterans administration is also suitable. In any case, the document must indicate the fact of residence in the city. All documents must be provided in a presentable form and unchanged in accordance with state laws of California;
  • A written recommendation CDPH 9044 form issued by a qualified medical specialist. The document should clearly indicate the recommendation for the use of marijuana for medical purposes and the reasons for the appointment;
  • The contact information of your doctor and his medical license registration number in California;
  • The non-refundable tax charge of $ 100. (50 dollars in case of issuing a special form of the Medi-Cal card).

You can pay for the issue of the MMJ ID card in any convenient way — the relevant institutions work with almost all banking and e-commerce systems, so you can pay for your ID card via the Internet, just using a regular smartphone.

Also, for the past several years, there has been a legitimate program, providing wide support for issuing recommendations and MMJ plastic cards using licensed online services. For getting an MMJ card or official recommendation, you just need to fill out an application online and wait a while until the doctor evaluates your health condition and approves the official recommendation for the use of marijuana for therapeutic purposes. Such organizations work only with qualified doctors, and also provide additional services:

  • Actually, the issuance of approved prescriptions and plastic MMJ cards, that are official and completely legal for all healing cannabis points of sale, administrative pharmacies or special dispensaries;
  • Broad consulting services of the best experts in the field of healing cannabis cultivation to determine the most appropriate cannabis strain in your particular case;
  • References for the marijuana purchasing in certain pharmacies and dispensaries, where exactly those medicinal cannabis strains, that your doctor has assigned to you, will be guaranteed;

Official recommendations are valid for 12 months from the date of registration. Modern digital services work very quickly, have an optimal pricing policy and provide a sufficient database of verified suppliers of healing MJ and qualified doctors.


420 Evaluations & Recommendations

There’s nothing inharmonious and useless in nature — and this completely relates to healing plants, used by people in medication. One of the most underrated among them — cannabis. Due to the exceptional medical advantages. it is possible to overcome many symptoms of diverse diseases and deal with other problems of modern people, exceptionally with large cities residents. Everyday stress can be s serious problem, thus, cannabis can balance many harmful factors of routine life, such as depression, anxiety, exhausting and even insomnia.

But for diseases, like AIDS, healing cannabis is a real chance to ease everyday life — for such patients even overcoming a lack of appetite is a relief. Also, medical MJ successfully applied to eliminate nausea during chemotherapy, while treating different types of cancer. supplemented with overcoming tumors, muscle spasms and other side effects of serious diseases medication. When fighting against diverse pain syndromes, marijuana provides a lasting analgesic effect. In conjunction with opioids, it can eliminate even acute pain, so this duo is prescribed to cancer patients quite often in modern clinics, especially in California and other states with related legalizing laws. Some researches found out, that medical cannabis with a high CBD percentage can relief pain syndromes even better than more traditional opioids, in a case, for example, terminal cancer stages.

Many studies have reported visible results of medical marijuana treatment for the following diseases and health problems:

  • The consequences of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer at almost all stages.;
  • Facilitating the transfer of the effects of operations and a positive impact on the general condition of patients during after-surgical recovery;
  • Neuropathic pain in diseases of the immune system;
  • Peripheral pain throughout the body.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Relaxing the body and stabilizing pressure relieves the sensations of joint diseases.
  • Senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Multiple sclerosis.

Due to the complete legalization of medical cannabis, many patients with chronic and acute pain and depression are able to overcome a great diversity of symptoms. Even with regular stress, the body can experience enormous pressure, so taking medical marijuana can relief such stress-related problems as insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc.

More information — by the link:

The simplification of getting therapeutic permission for the MMJ treatment allows, within one calendar day, to get, at least, a digital PDF copy of the prescription and acquire medical cannabis at pharmacies and special dispensaries.

Where-To Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Santa Ana

To issue a special MMJ ID card, you can use the services of official administrative institutions that deal with the issues and the main points stipulated by the law SB420. Also, for the convenience of users, on the Internet, there are a number of specialized online services for obtaining permits from qualified doctors and issuing MMJ ID cards. One of the fastest and most convenient of them is the Dr. Weedy, which provides the widest range of services for issuing recommendations, issuing ID cards and advising clients on the norms of treatment and types of medical cannabis, which is suitable in their particular case.

In order to use the services of the site, you need to follow the instructions:

  • The first step is to register on the Dr. Weedy official site. The registration process will not take you more than a few minutes. At the very beginning, choose a tariff plan that suits you. At the moment, the service provides customers with three different tariff plans, which differ in the form of issuing reference documents. Thus, the first tariff plan ($ 29) involves the issuance of an electronic copy of the recommendation in the form of a downloadable PDF document. The second is an electronic PDF and hard-copy of documents (all related papers will be sent by mail and will arrive within 4-6 business days), and the third tariff plan is a comprehensive set of services, including approval of a medical recommendation, receiving electronic and hard-copy of documents and issuing an ID card. The second tariff plan costs $ 39, and the third – $ 59. Website pricing policy is one of the most balanced among all related online services.
  • After choosing a tariff plan, you need to fill out a form. You must provide certain personal information, contact information and medical prerequisites for the use of cannabis for medical purposes. Also, you need to upload a photo for the release of the plastic card and entering you into a single database of clients of pharmaceutical institutions with the official permission to purchase medical marijuana. When registering, you can also specify a referral link, if the service has been advised to you by friends — this will give certain advantages in the process of issuing recommended documents. After filling in all required fields of the questionnaire, press the “Save” button.
  • You will receive an e-mail form to confirm the specified information, after which it will go straight to a qualified doctor to evaluate your current health condition. Sometimes an email can get lost in the spam folder, so check your email carefully when you wait for a confirmation email.
  • Thanks to the functionality of our service, you can receive confirmation of the recommendation already within 420 seconds. If this information is not enough to make a positive decision, the doctor will contact you by phone, via other messengers or via video call.
  • After confirming your application, you will have to pay for the services of issuing documents using any convenient method. Our service supports any form of online payments using bank cards or popular e-commerce systems.
  • After completion of all stages, you will be sent an electronic copy of the recommendation. When ordering hard-copies of documents or when paying for the issue of an MMJ card, they will come to you by mail within 4-6 working days.

Also, in addition to issuing relevant documents and ID cards, our service provides extensive customer consulting services regarding cannabis treatment standards, specific strain selection and point of sale. Considering that private mobile clinics usually provide clients with stronger strains of healing cannabis, you can consult with our service staff regarding recommended MJ points of sale, where you will be guaranteed a high-quality product.

Read more about the Online Medical Marijuana Card Renewal in California


Popular Weed Strains in Santa Ana, California

Medical cannabis varieties have some differences from most popular psychoactive varieties. First, medical marijuana usually contains high proportions of CBD, which is the main active ingredient for overcoming symptoms of diseases such as pain, aching in the joints, inflammation, and other symptoms associated with various diseases. At the same time, the content of THC in medical strains is reduced to relieve the psychoactive effects of cannabis use. That is why most of the medical varieties of marijuana, which you can find in pharmacies and dispensaries throughout Santa Ana, have a relaxing but no pronounced “stoner” effect inherent in psychoactive cannabis varieties with a high THC content.

The most popular weed strains among Santa Ana users are:

  • Santa Sativa. A variety with a 70% prevalence of sativa, is perfect for recreational purposes and to deal with many symptoms, including muscle spasms, lack of appetite, depression, chronic stress, depression. The strain perfectly normalizes the pressure in the eyes, therefore it will become the best choice for office workers and those people who work at the computer most of the day. A mild euphoric effect is perfect for relaxing after work and for small doses in case of one of the above mentioned medical problems.

More information:

  • Sour Diesel. Another variety with a predominance of Sativa got its name because of the characteristic sour smell. One of the most common varieties of marijuana due to its special euphoric effect and numerous useful medicinal properties. It is often prescribed to patients by psychologists and psychiatrists since the pronounced euphoric effect of this variety is able to relieve even the most severe forms of depression and eliminate the effects of stress. Among the other healing qualities of this variety is the fight against pains of various kinds (Sour Diesel can even overcome strong migraines), chronic fatigue and other problems associated with living in big cities. One of the most popular varieties not only in Santa Ana but also in other parts of California.

More information:

  • LA Confidential. This variety is rarely found in medical prescriptions, but its healing properties make it one of the best in the fight against depression. Despite the extraordinary psychoactive properties, taking this variety during off-working hours can quickly suppress virtually any manifestation of stress, depression, and exhaustion. Also, this variety perfectly fights insomnia and lack of appetite, so it will be an excellent choice as one of the comprehensive remedies to alleviate the suffering of patients with severe forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.

More information:

Places to go in Santa Ana while medicated

Santa Ana is one of the most statistically young cities in America. Almost a third of the population are young people under 21. The infrastructure of the city is ideal for visiting various places of interest, especially in a relaxed state after taking cannabis. Locals recommend several basic places to go while you’re medicated.

  • Centennial Regional Park. A great place for active recreation, which was recently reconstructed. Now you are waited by a pleasant murmur of fountains and streams and numerous platforms for employment by the most different kinds of sports. Here you can have a small picnic with friends and go fishing in special small ponds with live fish. A great place to spend time while medicated.

More information:

  • Orange County Museum of Arts. A great place for an excursion or a hike with friends. even if you constantly live in the city. Expositions are constantly being updated, and exhibition artists are often guests from around the world. Here are the most interesting exhibits representing the modern art of Orange County. In a state of easy euphoria, while medicated, this place will be an excellent storehouse of creative ideas and just a comfortable museum with a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

More information: 

  • The Observatory. Artspace with the potential of hosting concerts, permanent exhibitions and visits of artists from around the world. The establishment has a pleasant loft atmosphere, is distinguished by a pleasant audience and is an excellent choice for a one-time visit, and for constant hikes with friends, being tipsy after unscrewing a marijuana blunt.

More information:


Need an mmj card in another city? Check here:

Los Angeles Vallejo San Francisco Modesto San Diego Ontario Sacramento Pasadena San Jose Santa Monica Oakland Fresno Long Beach Bakersfield Riverside Berkeley

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