FAQ Florida

One of the most frequent questions among patients applying for a medical cannabis card is whether it is possible to get a free medical mj card. The answer is no. Firstly, the card fee is legally defined, which is $ 75. Secondly, if you want to participate in the program, you must have a consultation with a qualified medical specialist. Therefore, the information that you can register a free patient card somewhere is fake. Individuals who offer you to do this for free can make a fake cannabis card only.

At the moment, you can legally purchase up to 2.5 ounces of smoking forms of cannabis. At the same time, the maximum storage volume is 4 ounces of dry cannabis cones.

If a patient wants to qualify for the medical cannabis program, they must:

  • Have a pathology confirmed by qualified medical professionals from the list of qualifying diseases;
  • Be a resident (permanent or seasonal) of the State of Florida;

Be over the age of 18 or have a caregiver.

If you want to become a member of the medical cannabis program in Florida, you can be under 21. You can get a medical cannabis at age 18 and above. Also, the legal age for patients can be shifted to persons at a younger age in the presence of a confirmed incurable disease and subject to the presence of a caregiver.

If you want to become a member of the program to get an id cannabis card, you must be a resident of FL state. Florida citizens without residency cannot qualify for a medical cannabis card. Only permanent and seasonal residents who have confirmed their status with an appropriate document can participate.

If you are going to get a mmj card, you have to live in Florida and be its permanent resident. In this case, the length of your stay in the state is not important - only the actual residence is important. However, since both permanent and seasonal residents are accepted to participate in the program, the latter must confirm that they have lived in the state for at least 31 days. Each of these categories can confirm the status of a resident by preparing a set of documents for submission to the state body regulating the MMJ FL program.

You will get an email about your id card within 10 working days. As a rule, everything happens much faster within a few days. When the card is once approved, further renewal will be faster. You’ll get your email within 4 weeks from the time of application.

Is it legal to buy medicinal cannabis with just my acceptance email before receiving card? You can also use it to purchase through dispensaries simply by your rights or ID.

There are currently more than 300 legal MMJ dispensaries in the state. Wherever you live in the state, you will find at least one certified dispensary where you can buy up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana at a time.

Medical cannabis dispensaries admit all visitors without restrictions. Therefore, you do not need to have a card or be a member of the MMJ FL program in order to attend dispensaries. However, only a cardholder or an official caregiver can make a purchase.

You can buy CBD-containing products and cannabis without a permanent medical card, provided that you are a member of the program and just wait for the card to be delivered by mail. If you want to purchase through certified dispensaries, you can use an ID document or a printed confirmation letter. At the same time, you cannot buy mmj without a card if you are not a member of the program, including if your application has been rejected or has not yet been considered.

The law describes cases when a person applying for a certain type of work must be tested for the content of drugs in the blood. It applies to people working at a place where the control of drug use is linked to the safety of others. Therefore, drug testing for marijuana is legal in some cases even if applied to participants of the MMJ FL program. If a narcotic substance is detected, the work may be refused despite the presence in the patient register. In particular, drivers of heavy vehicles cannot take drugs.

Can you have a mj card and a concealed carry permit? Federal law prohibits this combination. However, lawyers note a contradiction with the local law of the state of Florida regulating the turnover of medical cannabis. At the same time, most lawyers agree that gun owners should not combine this hobby with taking medical cannabis until this issue is resolved at the federal level.

Can you grow medical cannabis if you have a card? The answer is no. At the moment, the laws of the state of Florida prohibit growing cannabis even for personal use, even by a member of the MMJ FL program. If cannabis bushes are found in your home, you will be charged with illegal possession of cannabis, which will most often result in a prison sentence.

As for professional growing, state law allows the cultivation, processing, and distribution of medical marijuana only by pre-licensed dispensing organizations. We are talking about large, vertically integrated companies that can organize the entire cycle-from cultivation to distribution. Therefore, it is almost impossible for individuals to become a grower in FL state.

If you have a medical marijuana card, you cannot grow plants. You need a special license, the procedure for obtaining which is quite complicated. To date, only a few companies have the right to legally grow and distribute cannabis products. If you choose to become a cultivator at your own risk, then the laws are against you. Sooner or later, the police will find out about your “hobby” and charge you with illegal possession of cannabis, not even taking into account the fact that you grow it for medical purposes.

You can't smoke marijuana freely in FL state with a mj card. In addition, if a person who is not a member of the medical cannabis program is found to be using cannabis, that person will get a fine. In some cases, you can go to prison for such an offense.

Medical cannabis use and gun ownership are two categories that come into legal conflict. Lawyers insist that gun owners should either abandon it in favor of medical cannabis, or forget about participating in the MMJ FL program.

While in practice, a state resident may simultaneously own a gun and be listed on the medical cannabis patient registry, in theory there may be problems with the federal law administering the CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon). Members of the MMJ program may have obstacles to obtaining a permit to carry a weapon.

MJ card prohibits firearm purchase in Florida, as federal law classifies medical marijuana as a controlled substance. Medical marijuana and concealed carry weapons in Florida can be classified as fraud.

There are no taxes on cannabis in Florida. At the same time, dispensaries pay more than $ 50 million for a license. Consumer Paid Sales Tax is not provided.

You can't cover your medical cannabis costs with insurance. The fact is that cannabis remains illegal at the federal level.

If you have a felony, this may be grounds for refusing to issue you a medical cannabis card. Despite the fact that the legislation is quite loyal in this direction, if the criminal background check shows that you are a person with a drug felony, the chances of refusal are almost 100%.

You don't have to go anywhere. It is enough to have a consultation with one of the qualified specialists of Dr. Weedy in the format of telemedicine, and then apply for addition to the patient register. The card will be sent to you by mail within 2-4 weeks.

The law of the State of Florida regulates the procedure for refusing to work with people who take cannabis. In particular, a person may receive a refusal to apply for a job, applying for a position where the use of narcotic drugs is unacceptable.

Patients who use medical marijuana should choose a job where the use of cannabis will not negatively affect the quality of their performance in the performance of their official duties. The list of professions loyal to medical cannabis is quite wide. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to discriminate against the applicant only on the basis of the person's MMJ FL patient card. At the same time, those who apply for such positions as a security guard, teachers, nurses, vets, police officers and a number of others should give up medical cannabis.

The mere fact that you are a member of the program and have a medical cannabis patient card cannot be grounds for dismissal. But remember: the use of weed at the workplace gives the employer the right to dismiss or refuse to provide work.

What happens if I have my cannabis card and I'm denied a job in FL state? In this case, your rights are violated only if you apply for a job where monitoring the employee's drug intake is not mandatory.

The register of MMJ FL participants is not public, which means that the employer does not have access to it.

Reasons you'd be denied a medicinal cannabis card in Florida:

  • You are under 18 years of age and do not have a guardian under the MMJ program;
  • Your medical diagnosis does not meet the conditions of the program;
  • You have not confirmed your residency in the State of Florida;
  • You have committed drug-related crimes;
  • You are the owner of a weapon within the CCW.

Refusal is always supported by the law. It is difficult to say what % of people applying mmj cards are getting denied, since officially such statistics are not published anywhere.

A caregiver is a person who helps the patient at all stages of registering the latter as a member of the MMJ FL program. There are a number of conditions that should be met by the future caregiver:

  • Pass the qualification of the attending physician of the patient to be cared for;
  • Not be employed in an industry that may have an economic benefit from guardianship;
  • Not be employed in (MMTC) or in a cannabis testing laboratory;
  • Be at least 21 years old;
  • Be a permanent resident of the state or a seasonal resident who has lived in the state for at least 31 days;
  • Complete the Florida Department of Health Certification Course;
  • If you are not close relatives, it is mandatory to pass a criminal record check (carried out with the certification of a caregiver).

There are a number of other states that allow participants in the Florida program to buy cannabis in their territory through dispensaries. Here is a list of these states:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington
  • Washington D.C.

Please note that you cannot transport weed purchased in these states to the territory of Florida.

Under state law, only residents who own a cannabis card can purchase medical cannabis under the MMJ program. Out-of-state patients can't buy pot using their state cards.

Only residents (permanent and seasonal) are eligible to participate in the MMJ FL program. If you do not fall into these categories, then access to medical cannabis in the state is closed to you.

The laws of Florida do not prescribe such a category as a temporary card. Only residents of the state can become a member of the program.

You are eligible to update the card after the completion of the 210-day validity period of the medical cannabis card. In this case, the procedure is similar to opening the card. The only exception is that this time the verification procedure will be faster. The renewal fee is currently $ 75. It is recommended to apply for a card renewal within 90 days before the expiration date.

As of 2020, more than 300,000 Florida residents have already received a medical cannabis card. You can become one of them by contacting Dr. Weedy.

There is a non-refundable application fee of fifty dollars ($50) that the department is currently waiving for all patients and their designated caregivers. Simply select “Bill Me Later” when registering and the application fee will be waived.
No. Only certified patients with a FL state Registry Identification Card may purchase approved medical marijuana products in Florida state.
No, you must receive your certification from a Florida registered practitioner.
You will need to possess a valid Florida state ID or driver’s license to apply for a medical card in Florida. If you do not possess a FL state ID, you will instead need to be able to produce proof of residency within FL along with your out-of-state U.S. photo ID.

One of the most frequent questions among patients applying for a medical cannabis card is whether it is possible to get a free medical mj card. The answer is no. Firstly, the card fee is legally defined, which is $ 75. Secondly, if you want to participate in the program, you must have a consultation with a qualified medical specialist. Therefore, the information that you can register a free patient card somewhere is fake. Individuals who offer you to do this for free can make a fake cannabis card only.

You will get an email about your id card within 10 working days. As a rule, everything happens much faster within a few days. When the card is once approved, further renewal will be faster. You’ll get your email within 4 weeks from the time of application.

Is it legal to buy medicinal cannabis with just my acceptance email before receiving card? You can also use it to purchase through dispensaries simply by your rights or ID.

There are currently more than 300 legal MMJ dispensaries in the state. Wherever you live in the state, you will find at least one certified dispensary where you can buy up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana at a time.

You can buy CBD-containing products and cannabis without a permanent medical card, provided that you are a member of the program and just wait for the card to be delivered by mail. If you want to purchase through certified dispensaries, you can use an ID document or a printed confirmation letter. At the same time, you cannot buy mmj without a card if you are not a member of the program, including if your application has been rejected or has not yet been considered.

MJ card prohibits firearm purchase in Florida, as federal law classifies medical marijuana as a controlled substance. Medical marijuana and concealed carry weapons in Florida can be classified as fraud.

Under state law, only residents who own a cannabis card can purchase medical cannabis under the MMJ program. Out-of-state patients can't buy pot using their state cards.

Only residents (permanent and seasonal) are eligible to participate in the MMJ FL program. If you do not fall into these categories, then access to medical cannabis in the state is closed to you.

You are eligible to update the card after the completion of the 210-day validity period of the medical cannabis card. In this case, the procedure is similar to opening the card. The only exception is that this time the verification procedure will be faster. The renewal fee is currently $ 75. It is recommended to apply for a card renewal within 90 days before the expiration date.

There is a non-refundable application fee of fifty dollars ($50) that the department is currently waiving for all patients and their designated caregivers. Simply select “Bill Me Later” when registering and the application fee will be waived.

One of the most frequent questions among patients applying for a medical cannabis card is whether it is possible to get a free medical mj card. The answer is no. Firstly, the card fee is legally defined, which is $ 75. Secondly, if you want to participate in the program, you must have a consultation with a qualified medical specialist. Therefore, the information that you can register a free patient card somewhere is fake. Individuals who offer you to do this for free can make a fake cannabis card only.

You will get an email about your id card within 10 working days. As a rule, everything happens much faster within a few days. When the card is once approved, further renewal will be faster. You’ll get your email within 4 weeks from the time of application.

Is it legal to buy medicinal cannabis with just my acceptance email before receiving card? You can also use it to purchase through dispensaries simply by your rights or ID.

There are currently more than 300 legal MMJ dispensaries in the state. Wherever you live in the state, you will find at least one certified dispensary where you can buy up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana at a time.

Medical cannabis dispensaries admit all visitors without restrictions. Therefore, you do not need to have a card or be a member of the MMJ FL program in order to attend dispensaries. However, only a cardholder or an official caregiver can make a purchase.

You can buy CBD-containing products and cannabis without a permanent medical card, provided that you are a member of the program and just wait for the card to be delivered by mail. If you want to purchase through certified dispensaries, you can use an ID document or a printed confirmation letter. At the same time, you cannot buy mmj without a card if you are not a member of the program, including if your application has been rejected or has not yet been considered.

Medical cannabis use and gun ownership are two categories that come into legal conflict. Lawyers insist that gun owners should either abandon it in favor of medical cannabis, or forget about participating in the MMJ FL program.

MJ card prohibits firearm purchase in Florida, as federal law classifies medical marijuana as a controlled substance. Medical marijuana and concealed carry weapons in Florida can be classified as fraud.

If you have a felony, this may be grounds for refusing to issue you a medical cannabis card. Despite the fact that the legislation is quite loyal in this direction, if the criminal background check shows that you are a person with a drug felony, the chances of refusal are almost 100%.

You don't have to go anywhere. It is enough to have a consultation with one of the qualified specialists of Dr. Weedy in the format of telemedicine, and then apply for addition to the patient register. The card will be sent to you by mail within 2-4 weeks.

Patients who use medical marijuana should choose a job where the use of cannabis will not negatively affect the quality of their performance in the performance of their official duties. The list of professions loyal to medical cannabis is quite wide. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to discriminate against the applicant only on the basis of the person's MMJ FL patient card. At the same time, those who apply for such positions as a security guard, teachers, nurses, vets, police officers and a number of others should give up medical cannabis.

The mere fact that you are a member of the program and have a medical cannabis patient card cannot be grounds for dismissal. But remember: the use of weed at the workplace gives the employer the right to dismiss or refuse to provide work.

What happens if I have my cannabis card and I'm denied a job in FL state? In this case, your rights are violated only if you apply for a job where monitoring the employee's drug intake is not mandatory.

The register of MMJ FL participants is not public, which means that the employer does not have access to it.

A caregiver is a person who helps the patient at all stages of registering the latter as a member of the MMJ FL program. There are a number of conditions that should be met by the future caregiver:

  • Pass the qualification of the attending physician of the patient to be cared for;
  • Not be employed in an industry that may have an economic benefit from guardianship;
  • Not be employed in (MMTC) or in a cannabis testing laboratory;
  • Be at least 21 years old;
  • Be a permanent resident of the state or a seasonal resident who has lived in the state for at least 31 days;
  • Complete the Florida Department of Health Certification Course;
  • If you are not close relatives, it is mandatory to pass a criminal record check (carried out with the certification of a caregiver).

Under state law, only residents who own a cannabis card can purchase medical cannabis under the MMJ program. Out-of-state patients can't buy pot using their state cards.

Only residents (permanent and seasonal) are eligible to participate in the MMJ FL program. If you do not fall into these categories, then access to medical cannabis in the state is closed to you.

The laws of Florida do not prescribe such a category as a temporary card. Only residents of the state can become a member of the program.

You are eligible to update the card after the completion of the 210-day validity period of the medical cannabis card. In this case, the procedure is similar to opening the card. The only exception is that this time the verification procedure will be faster. The renewal fee is currently $ 75. It is recommended to apply for a card renewal within 90 days before the expiration date.

No, you must receive your certification from a Florida registered practitioner.
You will need to possess a valid Florida state ID or driver’s license to apply for a medical card in Florida. If you do not possess a FL state ID, you will instead need to be able to produce proof of residency within FL along with your out-of-state U.S. photo ID.

One of the most frequent questions among patients applying for a medical cannabis card is whether it is possible to get a free medical mj card. The answer is no. Firstly, the card fee is legally defined, which is $ 75. Secondly, if you want to participate in the program, you must have a consultation with a qualified medical specialist. Therefore, the information that you can register a free patient card somewhere is fake. Individuals who offer you to do this for free can make a fake cannabis card only.

At the moment, you can legally purchase up to 2.5 ounces of smoking forms of cannabis. At the same time, the maximum storage volume is 4 ounces of dry cannabis cones.

If a patient wants to qualify for the medical cannabis program, they must:

  • Have a pathology confirmed by qualified medical professionals from the list of qualifying diseases;
  • Be a resident (permanent or seasonal) of the State of Florida;

Be over the age of 18 or have a caregiver.

If you want to become a member of the medical cannabis program in Florida, you can be under 21. You can get a medical cannabis at age 18 and above. Also, the legal age for patients can be shifted to persons at a younger age in the presence of a confirmed incurable disease and subject to the presence of a caregiver.

If you want to become a member of the program to get an id cannabis card, you must be a resident of FL state. Florida citizens without residency cannot qualify for a medical cannabis card. Only permanent and seasonal residents who have confirmed their status with an appropriate document can participate.

If you are going to get a mmj card, you have to live in Florida and be its permanent resident. In this case, the length of your stay in the state is not important - only the actual residence is important. However, since both permanent and seasonal residents are accepted to participate in the program, the latter must confirm that they have lived in the state for at least 31 days. Each of these categories can confirm the status of a resident by preparing a set of documents for submission to the state body regulating the MMJ FL program.

You will get an email about your id card within 10 working days. As a rule, everything happens much faster within a few days. When the card is once approved, further renewal will be faster. You’ll get your email within 4 weeks from the time of application.

Is it legal to buy medicinal cannabis with just my acceptance email before receiving card? You can also use it to purchase through dispensaries simply by your rights or ID.

There are currently more than 300 legal MMJ dispensaries in the state. Wherever you live in the state, you will find at least one certified dispensary where you can buy up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana at a time.

Medical cannabis dispensaries admit all visitors without restrictions. Therefore, you do not need to have a card or be a member of the MMJ FL program in order to attend dispensaries. However, only a cardholder or an official caregiver can make a purchase.

You can buy CBD-containing products and cannabis without a permanent medical card, provided that you are a member of the program and just wait for the card to be delivered by mail. If you want to purchase through certified dispensaries, you can use an ID document or a printed confirmation letter. At the same time, you cannot buy mmj without a card if you are not a member of the program, including if your application has been rejected or has not yet been considered.

The law describes cases when a person applying for a certain type of work must be tested for the content of drugs in the blood. It applies to people working at a place where the control of drug use is linked to the safety of others. Therefore, drug testing for marijuana is legal in some cases even if applied to participants of the MMJ FL program. If a narcotic substance is detected, the work may be refused despite the presence in the patient register. In particular, drivers of heavy vehicles cannot take drugs.

Can you have a mj card and a concealed carry permit? Federal law prohibits this combination. However, lawyers note a contradiction with the local law of the state of Florida regulating the turnover of medical cannabis. At the same time, most lawyers agree that gun owners should not combine this hobby with taking medical cannabis until this issue is resolved at the federal level.

Can you grow medical cannabis if you have a card? The answer is no. At the moment, the laws of the state of Florida prohibit growing cannabis even for personal use, even by a member of the MMJ FL program. If cannabis bushes are found in your home, you will be charged with illegal possession of cannabis, which will most often result in a prison sentence.

As for professional growing, state law allows the cultivation, processing, and distribution of medical marijuana only by pre-licensed dispensing organizations. We are talking about large, vertically integrated companies that can organize the entire cycle-from cultivation to distribution. Therefore, it is almost impossible for individuals to become a grower in FL state.

If you have a medical marijuana card, you cannot grow plants. You need a special license, the procedure for obtaining which is quite complicated. To date, only a few companies have the right to legally grow and distribute cannabis products. If you choose to become a cultivator at your own risk, then the laws are against you. Sooner or later, the police will find out about your “hobby” and charge you with illegal possession of cannabis, not even taking into account the fact that you grow it for medical purposes.

You can't smoke marijuana freely in FL state with a mj card. In addition, if a person who is not a member of the medical cannabis program is found to be using cannabis, that person will get a fine. In some cases, you can go to prison for such an offense.

Medical cannabis use and gun ownership are two categories that come into legal conflict. Lawyers insist that gun owners should either abandon it in favor of medical cannabis, or forget about participating in the MMJ FL program.

While in practice, a state resident may simultaneously own a gun and be listed on the medical cannabis patient registry, in theory there may be problems with the federal law administering the CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon). Members of the MMJ program may have obstacles to obtaining a permit to carry a weapon.

MJ card prohibits firearm purchase in Florida, as federal law classifies medical marijuana as a controlled substance. Medical marijuana and concealed carry weapons in Florida can be classified as fraud.

There are no taxes on cannabis in Florida. At the same time, dispensaries pay more than $ 50 million for a license. Consumer Paid Sales Tax is not provided.

You can't cover your medical cannabis costs with insurance. The fact is that cannabis remains illegal at the federal level.

If you have a felony, this may be grounds for refusing to issue you a medical cannabis card. Despite the fact that the legislation is quite loyal in this direction, if the criminal background check shows that you are a person with a drug felony, the chances of refusal are almost 100%.

The law of the State of Florida regulates the procedure for refusing to work with people who take cannabis. In particular, a person may receive a refusal to apply for a job, applying for a position where the use of narcotic drugs is unacceptable.

Patients who use medical marijuana should choose a job where the use of cannabis will not negatively affect the quality of their performance in the performance of their official duties. The list of professions loyal to medical cannabis is quite wide. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to discriminate against the applicant only on the basis of the person's MMJ FL patient card. At the same time, those who apply for such positions as a security guard, teachers, nurses, vets, police officers and a number of others should give up medical cannabis.

The mere fact that you are a member of the program and have a medical cannabis patient card cannot be grounds for dismissal. But remember: the use of weed at the workplace gives the employer the right to dismiss or refuse to provide work.

What happens if I have my cannabis card and I'm denied a job in FL state? In this case, your rights are violated only if you apply for a job where monitoring the employee's drug intake is not mandatory.

The register of MMJ FL participants is not public, which means that the employer does not have access to it.

Reasons you'd be denied a medicinal cannabis card in Florida:

  • You are under 18 years of age and do not have a guardian under the MMJ program;
  • Your medical diagnosis does not meet the conditions of the program;
  • You have not confirmed your residency in the State of Florida;
  • You have committed drug-related crimes;
  • You are the owner of a weapon within the CCW.

Refusal is always supported by the law. It is difficult to say what % of people applying mmj cards are getting denied, since officially such statistics are not published anywhere.

A caregiver is a person who helps the patient at all stages of registering the latter as a member of the MMJ FL program. There are a number of conditions that should be met by the future caregiver:

  • Pass the qualification of the attending physician of the patient to be cared for;
  • Not be employed in an industry that may have an economic benefit from guardianship;
  • Not be employed in (MMTC) or in a cannabis testing laboratory;
  • Be at least 21 years old;
  • Be a permanent resident of the state or a seasonal resident who has lived in the state for at least 31 days;
  • Complete the Florida Department of Health Certification Course;
  • If you are not close relatives, it is mandatory to pass a criminal record check (carried out with the certification of a caregiver).

There are a number of other states that allow participants in the Florida program to buy cannabis in their territory through dispensaries. Here is a list of these states:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington
  • Washington D.C.

Please note that you cannot transport weed purchased in these states to the territory of Florida.

Under state law, only residents who own a cannabis card can purchase medical cannabis under the MMJ program. Out-of-state patients can't buy pot using their state cards.

Only residents (permanent and seasonal) are eligible to participate in the MMJ FL program. If you do not fall into these categories, then access to medical cannabis in the state is closed to you.

The laws of Florida do not prescribe such a category as a temporary card. Only residents of the state can become a member of the program.

You are eligible to update the card after the completion of the 210-day validity period of the medical cannabis card. In this case, the procedure is similar to opening the card. The only exception is that this time the verification procedure will be faster. The renewal fee is currently $ 75. It is recommended to apply for a card renewal within 90 days before the expiration date.

No. Only certified patients with a FL state Registry Identification Card may purchase approved medical marijuana products in Florida state.
No, you must receive your certification from a Florida registered practitioner.
You will need to possess a valid Florida state ID or driver’s license to apply for a medical card in Florida. If you do not possess a FL state ID, you will instead need to be able to produce proof of residency within FL along with your out-of-state U.S. photo ID.

One of the most frequent questions among patients applying for a medical cannabis card is whether it is possible to get a free medical mj card. The answer is no. Firstly, the card fee is legally defined, which is $ 75. Secondly, if you want to participate in the program, you must have a consultation with a qualified medical specialist. Therefore, the information that you can register a free patient card somewhere is fake. Individuals who offer you to do this for free can make a fake cannabis card only.

At the moment, you can legally purchase up to 2.5 ounces of smoking forms of cannabis. At the same time, the maximum storage volume is 4 ounces of dry cannabis cones.

If you want to become a member of the medical cannabis program in Florida, you can be under 21. You can get a medical cannabis at age 18 and above. Also, the legal age for patients can be shifted to persons at a younger age in the presence of a confirmed incurable disease and subject to the presence of a caregiver.

If you want to become a member of the program to get an id cannabis card, you must be a resident of FL state. Florida citizens without residency cannot qualify for a medical cannabis card. Only permanent and seasonal residents who have confirmed their status with an appropriate document can participate.

If you are going to get a mmj card, you have to live in Florida and be its permanent resident. In this case, the length of your stay in the state is not important - only the actual residence is important. However, since both permanent and seasonal residents are accepted to participate in the program, the latter must confirm that they have lived in the state for at least 31 days. Each of these categories can confirm the status of a resident by preparing a set of documents for submission to the state body regulating the MMJ FL program.

You will get an email about your id card within 10 working days. As a rule, everything happens much faster within a few days. When the card is once approved, further renewal will be faster. You’ll get your email within 4 weeks from the time of application.

Is it legal to buy medicinal cannabis with just my acceptance email before receiving card? You can also use it to purchase through dispensaries simply by your rights or ID.

There are currently more than 300 legal MMJ dispensaries in the state. Wherever you live in the state, you will find at least one certified dispensary where you can buy up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana at a time.

Medical cannabis dispensaries admit all visitors without restrictions. Therefore, you do not need to have a card or be a member of the MMJ FL program in order to attend dispensaries. However, only a cardholder or an official caregiver can make a purchase.

You can buy CBD-containing products and cannabis without a permanent medical card, provided that you are a member of the program and just wait for the card to be delivered by mail. If you want to purchase through certified dispensaries, you can use an ID document or a printed confirmation letter. At the same time, you cannot buy mmj without a card if you are not a member of the program, including if your application has been rejected or has not yet been considered.

The law describes cases when a person applying for a certain type of work must be tested for the content of drugs in the blood. It applies to people working at a place where the control of drug use is linked to the safety of others. Therefore, drug testing for marijuana is legal in some cases even if applied to participants of the MMJ FL program. If a narcotic substance is detected, the work may be refused despite the presence in the patient register. In particular, drivers of heavy vehicles cannot take drugs.

Can you have a mj card and a concealed carry permit? Federal law prohibits this combination. However, lawyers note a contradiction with the local law of the state of Florida regulating the turnover of medical cannabis. At the same time, most lawyers agree that gun owners should not combine this hobby with taking medical cannabis until this issue is resolved at the federal level.

Can you grow medical cannabis if you have a card? The answer is no. At the moment, the laws of the state of Florida prohibit growing cannabis even for personal use, even by a member of the MMJ FL program. If cannabis bushes are found in your home, you will be charged with illegal possession of cannabis, which will most often result in a prison sentence.

As for professional growing, state law allows the cultivation, processing, and distribution of medical marijuana only by pre-licensed dispensing organizations. We are talking about large, vertically integrated companies that can organize the entire cycle-from cultivation to distribution. Therefore, it is almost impossible for individuals to become a grower in FL state.

If you have a medical marijuana card, you cannot grow plants. You need a special license, the procedure for obtaining which is quite complicated. To date, only a few companies have the right to legally grow and distribute cannabis products. If you choose to become a cultivator at your own risk, then the laws are against you. Sooner or later, the police will find out about your “hobby” and charge you with illegal possession of cannabis, not even taking into account the fact that you grow it for medical purposes.

You can't smoke marijuana freely in FL state with a mj card. In addition, if a person who is not a member of the medical cannabis program is found to be using cannabis, that person will get a fine. In some cases, you can go to prison for such an offense.

Medical cannabis use and gun ownership are two categories that come into legal conflict. Lawyers insist that gun owners should either abandon it in favor of medical cannabis, or forget about participating in the MMJ FL program.

While in practice, a state resident may simultaneously own a gun and be listed on the medical cannabis patient registry, in theory there may be problems with the federal law administering the CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon). Members of the MMJ program may have obstacles to obtaining a permit to carry a weapon.

MJ card prohibits firearm purchase in Florida, as federal law classifies medical marijuana as a controlled substance. Medical marijuana and concealed carry weapons in Florida can be classified as fraud.

You can't cover your medical cannabis costs with insurance. The fact is that cannabis remains illegal at the federal level.

If you have a felony, this may be grounds for refusing to issue you a medical cannabis card. Despite the fact that the legislation is quite loyal in this direction, if the criminal background check shows that you are a person with a drug felony, the chances of refusal are almost 100%.

You don't have to go anywhere. It is enough to have a consultation with one of the qualified specialists of Dr. Weedy in the format of telemedicine, and then apply for addition to the patient register. The card will be sent to you by mail within 2-4 weeks.

The law of the State of Florida regulates the procedure for refusing to work with people who take cannabis. In particular, a person may receive a refusal to apply for a job, applying for a position where the use of narcotic drugs is unacceptable.

Patients who use medical marijuana should choose a job where the use of cannabis will not negatively affect the quality of their performance in the performance of their official duties. The list of professions loyal to medical cannabis is quite wide. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to discriminate against the applicant only on the basis of the person's MMJ FL patient card. At the same time, those who apply for such positions as a security guard, teachers, nurses, vets, police officers and a number of others should give up medical cannabis.

The mere fact that you are a member of the program and have a medical cannabis patient card cannot be grounds for dismissal. But remember: the use of weed at the workplace gives the employer the right to dismiss or refuse to provide work.

What happens if I have my cannabis card and I'm denied a job in FL state? In this case, your rights are violated only if you apply for a job where monitoring the employee's drug intake is not mandatory.

A caregiver is a person who helps the patient at all stages of registering the latter as a member of the MMJ FL program. There are a number of conditions that should be met by the future caregiver:

  • Pass the qualification of the attending physician of the patient to be cared for;
  • Not be employed in an industry that may have an economic benefit from guardianship;
  • Not be employed in (MMTC) or in a cannabis testing laboratory;
  • Be at least 21 years old;
  • Be a permanent resident of the state or a seasonal resident who has lived in the state for at least 31 days;
  • Complete the Florida Department of Health Certification Course;
  • If you are not close relatives, it is mandatory to pass a criminal record check (carried out with the certification of a caregiver).

There are a number of other states that allow participants in the Florida program to buy cannabis in their territory through dispensaries. Here is a list of these states:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington
  • Washington D.C.

Please note that you cannot transport weed purchased in these states to the territory of Florida.

Under state law, only residents who own a cannabis card can purchase medical cannabis under the MMJ program. Out-of-state patients can't buy pot using their state cards.

Only residents (permanent and seasonal) are eligible to participate in the MMJ FL program. If you do not fall into these categories, then access to medical cannabis in the state is closed to you.

You are eligible to update the card after the completion of the 210-day validity period of the medical cannabis card. In this case, the procedure is similar to opening the card. The only exception is that this time the verification procedure will be faster. The renewal fee is currently $ 75. It is recommended to apply for a card renewal within 90 days before the expiration date.

As of 2020, more than 300,000 Florida residents have already received a medical cannabis card. You can become one of them by contacting Dr. Weedy.

No. Only certified patients with a FL state Registry Identification Card may purchase approved medical marijuana products in Florida state.
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