Florida cannabis law
Medical patients | 35-day supply 35-day supply |
Recreational users | Illegal |
Medical patients | 6% sales tax |
Recreational users | Not applicable |

Do I qualify?

Concise guide to Florida medical marijuana laws
Qualifying Conditions
- Cancer
- Crohn’s disease
- Chronic nonmalignant pain*
- Epilepsy
- Glaucoma
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Seizures
- Terminal illness (patients diagnosed with no more than 12-months to live)
- Other debilitating medical conditions comparable to those enumerated
- *Defined as “pain that is either caused by or originates from a qualifying medical condition”
Patient Possession Limits
Patients who possess a physician’s recommendation may legally obtain medical cannabis provided by state licensed dispensaries. Emergency rules issued by state health officials in August 2022 stipulate the following: “A qualified physician may not issue a physician certification for more than three 70-day supply limits of marijuana or more than six 35-day supply limits of marijuana in a form for smoking. A 35-day supply limit for marijuana in a form for smoking shall not exceed 2.5 ounces. … The equivalent daily dose amount limit and 70-day supply limit for approved routes of administration of marijuana are as follows: edibles (no more than 60 mg of THC daily | no more than 4,200 mg of THC per 70-day supply), vaporized products (no more than 350 mg of THC daily | no more than 24,500 mg of THC per 70-day supply), oral capsules or tinctures (no more than 200 mg of THC daily | no more than 14,000 mg of THC per 70-day supply), sublingual tinctures (no more than 190 mg of THC daily | no more than 13,300 mg of THC per 70-day supply), suppositories (no more than 195 mg of THC daily | no more than 13,650 mg of THC per 70-day supply), topical creams (no more than 150 mg of THC daily | no more than 10,500 mg of THC per 70-day supply), marijuana in a form for smoking (no more than 2.025 grams daily).”
Home Cultivation
State-licensed Dispensaries
Yes. A “caregiver” means a person who is at least twenty-one (21) years old who has agreed to assist with a qualifying patient’s medical use of marijuana and has qualified for and obtained a caregiver identification card issued by the Department of Health. The Department may limit the number of qualifying patients a caregiver may assist at one time and the number of caregivers that a qualifying patient may have at one time.
Estimated Number of Registered Patients
Source: Physician Certification Pattern Review 2024 Annual Report, as of January 2024
Employment Protections for Qualifying Patients