Health & Wellness

The common cold is a contagious viral  illness that many people suffer from. It is usually not a serious health threat and will go away on its own within a week or two. However, during this period, and for several days before the first symptoms appear, the sick person may experience many problems, such as…

Gout flare is a real definition of pain! It can be excruciating and debilitating, interfering with your daily life and making it difficult to do the things you enjoy. If you’ve tried traditional treatments without success, it may be time to consider CBD. CBD has been shown to be effective in managing pain, including gout…

In states that have legalized medical cannabis use, such as California under the Medical Marijuana Act 1996 (Proposition 215) medical cannabis use is permitted for patients with qualifying conditions. This legal framework allows patients aged 18 and over to procure medical cannabis for their own use. While there is typically no specific age restriction for…

Articles about marijuana’s beneficial influence on people with ADHD appear more and more often on the web. Someone trusts in this theory, while someone relies on the time-tested medicines, like Ritalin and Adderall. Let’s try to find the answer — does marijuana help with ADHD or it is just another overhyped myth? How Pot Works…

Modern days, hemp is strongly associated with marijuana or cannabis – narcotic psychoactive substances. However, traditional healers used and continue to use hemp exclusively for pain relief and treatment of ailments. Hemp tincture is a medicine with great medical potential. It can be used to relieve pain and treat a large number of different diseases….

The use of medical marijuana is not a new treatment. The first mention of it dates back to the third millennium BC when the plant was considered an effective pain reliever, as evidenced by written sources from ancient China. Marijuana began to be considered a medicine much later in the Old and New World, at…

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating and chronic disease that affects over 1.8 million people worldwide. Its symptoms can cause significant discomfort to those who suffer from it. Although there are medications for managing most symptoms associated with the disease, they often come with a range of disturbing side effects. However, research suggests that marijuana…

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes sudden mood swings. Manic episodes can replace prolonged depressions. Patients suffering from bipolar disorder may see hallucinations, and their behavior is often unpredictable and antisocial. Even though bipolar disorder is considered an incurable pathology, the disease can be brought under control. Although not profoundly studied, one of…

Are you wondering how to choose the right dosage of medical marijuana? This is a question that many patients and caregivers ask, particularly when they are new to using cannabis. After all, cannabis is a potent medicine, and it’s important to get the dose right in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks….

One of the reasons why governments all over the world changed their stance in regards to Marijuana is that this substance has so many medical benefits that they easily outweigh potential negatives. Medical marijuana is a general term used to describe a wide range of remedies that contain cannabinoids. The list of diseases that can…

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