Does CBD Help With Neuropathy

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Written by Jonathan Hutchinson on 11/02/2022.
Data Last Updated: 06/10/2024.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Aaron Lee Wiegmann Author avatar Medically reviewed by Dr. Aaron Lee Wiegmann Dr. Wiegmann is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Chicago. Although he specializes in aesthetic surgery and reconstruction of the face, breast, and body, his medical knowledge is vast. He is passionate about medical research on the health benefits of any naturally occurring substance,...

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Our nervous system has two main components:

  • The brain and the spinal cord, which form the central nervous system; 
  • The peripheral nervous system, which includes all the nerves and ganglia outside of the central nervous system.


The peripheral nervous system comprises all the nerves that extend throughout the body beyond the central nervous system. Its principal function is to act as a communication pathway between the central nervous system and the organs, tissues, and cells throughout the body. This includes the transmission of signals from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body, as well as the relay of information from the body back to the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system plays a pivotal role in facilitating a broad spectrum of bodily sensations, including the perception of pain, temperature, and sensory stimuli, as well as coordinating movements and physical actions.

When peripheral nerves are damaged and lose their functionality, the resulting condition is called peripheral neuropathy or simply neuropathy.

Though it is most common in patients who are 55 years and older, peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a condition anyone can face. One in 15 Americans of all ages suffers from this malady.

Let’s have a brief look at the disease:

Major Categories




Most Common Types and causes

Prevention, Treatment, Management

Risk Groups

Motor Neuropathy

This is a PN that affects motor control functions such that the patient is unable to talk or hold a spoon properly.

  1. Spasms.
  2. Numbness and weakness in hands and legs.
  3. Poor motor control and coordination.
  1. Diabetic neuropathy, which damages the nerves in all organs.
  2. Impairment by the endocrine system or nutritional disorders and deficiencies, including lack of vitamins or thyroid hormones. 
  3. Genetic PN inherited from parents.
  1. . Control diabetes and cure injuries

  2. Improve nutrition, restore deficient nutrients, and maintain a healthy lifestyle

  3. Treat endocrine dysfunctions.


  1. People with diabetes.
  2. People with thyroid disorder and vitamin deficiencies.

Autonomic Neuropathy

This occurs when peripheral nerve damage interferes with certain functions such as heartbeat, urination, breathing, erection, etc.

  1. Excessive sensitivity or loss of sensitivity.
  2. Sudorrhea or no sweat at all, etc.
  3. Urinary retention or incontinence
  4. Erectile dysfunction
  5. Digestion problems.
  1. Substance-induced neuropathy as a result of drugs or alcohol abuse.
  2. Rare autoimmune disorders.

  1. Treat the underlying cause.
  2. Alleviate symptoms with pain relievers, massages, and orthopedic devices.
  3. Adopting a healthy lifestyle by managing weight and following a balanced diet, and avoiding/quitting substance abuse etc.
  1. Patients with alcohol, drug, or tobacco addictions.
  2. People living with HIV and immunity disorders.

Sensory Neuropathy

This type arises from damage to peripheral nerves responsible for sensory functions such as touch, pain, tickling, cold, etc.

  1. Irregular heart rate.
  2. Excessive sensitivity or loss of sensitivity.
  3. Pain in the limbs with no explainable reason.
  1. Neuropathy is related to injuries or compression of the nerves. e.g., wounds, traumas, median or face nerve compression, etc.
  2. Highly toxic drugs, like chemotherapy, or chemicals, which can literally kill the nerve cells.
  3. Action of some viruses and bacteria capable of damaging nerve tissues.
  1. Special physical exercises.
  2. Surgery interventions.
  1. Oncology patients.
  2. Patients with a history of injuries or exposure to toxins.



As you can see, neuropathy is a serious and complex health issue. However, medical cannabis can be an effective treatnt for

CBD As A Treatment Option

CBD As A Treatment Option

Attention has turned to medical marijuana because of its numerous benefits. One of the most important effects of CBD is its pain-relieving power. Moreover, one researcher has gathered and analyzed the reports of major clinical trials of medical marijuana and its components. While further research and scientific evidence are still necessary, their work strongly supports cannabidiol as a nerve pain reliever in most neuropathy patients.

Another scientific work reports that CBD-containing topicals, e.g., foot creams, can be effective for chronic pains induced by peripheral neuropathy. Moreover, CBD-containing topicals also mitigate other symptoms of PN including itching, coldness, numbness, etc. It is worth noting that all clinical trials have shown the safety of CBD for human use without causing any severe adverse reactions. As such, the use of CBD may offer a significant improvement in the quality of life and overall well-being of patients with peripheral neuropathy. Additionally, it can enhance serotonin, thus, helping patients manage their maladies.

Diabetic neuropathy can be prevented if the treatment of the underlying diabetes is properly maintained. According to the latest research, CBD can be very helpful as well. For example, CBD will not cure the disease, but it will reduce inflammation, one of the major side effects of poorly controlled diabetes. Moreover, it regulates the performance of the immune system, which can also help with PN.

People who use cannabis for numerous health issues report its curative properties.

Autoimmune conditions also benefit from CBD. For example, there are various resources that demonstrate the experience of real people. These records show that lots of medical marijuana patients use cannabis as a treatment aide for autoimmune diseases. Though further research is required to examine the full effects of CBD, the existing animal experiments reveal its effectiveness for alleviating neuropathic pain.

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & CBD

cannabis for neuropathy

The median nerve is in the arm and passes through the wrist into the hand. It lies in a special passageway called the carpal tunnel. The compression of this nerve is a frequently occurring reason for peripheral neuropathy.

This ailment is called the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which can be caused by many factors — from occupation related strain to chronic diseases:

  • Constant repetitive movements of wrist and hand can cause damaging pressure on the nerve eg. working with a computer, or with a knife in a kitchen, anything that requires making the same movements of wrist;
  • CTS can develop as a result of arthritis;
  • Wrist or forearm fractures can also cause the deformation of the carpal tunnel and nerve compression;
  • Neuropathy of the median nerve can be caused by inflammation, diabetes, drug abuse, etc.

Chicago Tribune sheds light on the advantages of CBD over traditional medications in the CTS treatment. According to the experts, cannabis does not cause severe dependency, effectively combats neuropathic pain, and is completely safe. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory and pain-killing effects make CBD the best remedy for the ailment.

CBD Oil For Nerve Regeneration

CBD Oil For Nerve Regeneration

The types of peripheral neuropathy are as numerous as the underlying causes of the disease. To cure the neuropathy, it is necessary to determine its root. In most cases, addressing the root cause will help the nerves regenerate themselves thereby solving the problem.

Hence, in combating inflammation and other diseases that cause PN, medical weed may help to preserve nerve function.

Of course, cannabis cannot cure PN on its own. Moreover, in some cases, PN patients cannot recover completely at all. Therefore, only a healthcare professional can diagnose the underlying health condition and prescribe proper treatment. This is why it is recommended to always consult your doctor before taking CBD as a medicine.

Best Way To Use Cannabinoids For Neuropathic Pain

Best Way To Use Cannabinoids For Neuropathic Pain

It was mentioned above that CBD topicals mitigate the neuropathic pain. This method of administration may be best for patients who do not desire any systemic effects. However, oral CBD, such as edibles and oils, provides a quicker and stronger effect. Thus, many people consider it as their favorite form of medical marijuana.

Some drugs used in treating neuropathy may show a variety of side effects. For instance, meds such as gabapentin cause severe and dangerous side effects. Similarly, all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and corticosteroids widely prescribed for neuropathic pain also have side effects.  It is important to note that while the side effects of DiabaSens are currently unknown, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest its effectiveness in relieving foot pain. Nonetheless, more research is needed to fully establish its efficacy.

If you prefer to smoke medical weed, you should also remember that you cannot smoke pot anywhere you want. In addition, you should carefully choose the best strain that contains a lot of cannabidiol and low THC. Otherwise, your medication will make you high, which is oftentimes inappropriate. Additionally, remember that the best CBD dosage for newcomers is the one that contains the lowest dosage. Nonetheless, it can be increased only when you understand how your body reacts to the medicine.


To sum it all up, we would like to say:

  • There is evidence to suggest that using CBD oil for neuropathy helps with relieving the major symptoms of the disease;
  • With its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD may help to lessen nerve damage and aide in nerve regeneration;
  • CBD is mostly safe;
  • Patients with neuropathy should use medical weed only if they use it under a doctor’s care, so that other beneficial medicines can be prescribed if needed;
  • Even if CBD does not cure the disease, it improves the well-being of PN patients, and helps to combat pain and stress associated with this malady.

To find your medical marijuana quickly and legally, with a proper doctor’s prescription, you should visit Dr. Weedy. Here, you’ll get the professional consultation, and in a couple of clicks will become a medical marijuana card owner. Then, you’ll be able to buy the best cannabis in legal and reputed dispensaries near your home.


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