CBD for Treating Acne

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Written by Sindy Brent on 11/12/2020.
Data Last Updated: 05/31/2024.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon Author avatar Medically reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon Kimberly Langdon M.D. is a retired, board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist with 19-years of clinical experience. She graduated from The Ohio State University College of Medicine, earning Honors in many rotations. She then completed her OB/GYN residency program at The Ohio State University...

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Cannabis sativa is a herb that shows great promise for the treatment of various ailments, including acne. In the modern world, acne is no longer considered a cosmetic problem, rather a medical one because people of both sexes and different ages face it. This is an unsightly, painful, and non-discriminating disease, which is why many patients pin their hopes on CBD oil and other cannabinoid products to get rid of acne once and for all.

Do CBD products work on acneprone skin?

Acne is an extremely common chronic skin condition. Most people deal with pimples in adolescence or adulthood. For some people, acne goes away on its own after the natural balancing of hormones, while others experience acne throughout life. Many factors can contribute to the development of acne:


  • hormonal imbalance;
  • overgrowth of bacteria;
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • sebum overproduction;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • nutrition;
  • stress;
  • intake of certain medications, etc.

However, actually, there is no safe, viable, and effective treatment without side effects. Therefore, interest in CBD products for acne is steadily increasing. According to the researchers, cannabinoids hold great potential for acne treatment due to their combined action. The endocannabinoid system has the ability to impact cell growth, provide anti-inflammation, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


Do CBD products work on acne-prone skin?

Current research on the efficiency of CBD oil for acne 

Let’s consider a few of the key tasks that CBD products perform in curing acne:


  1. Regulate the sebum amount. Skin cells produce so-called sebum that performs a protective function when secreted in moderate amounts. But if the amount of sebum exceeds the norm, then the cells get clogged, inflamed, upon which acne appears on the skin surface. A 2014 study showed that CBD oil has a direct effect on the functioning of sebocytes, the cells of the sebaceous glands responsible for sebum production. Products with cannabinoids help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the amount of secreted sebum.
  2. Eliminate inflammation. Inflamed areas cause even more discomfort to people and further aggravate their condition. These areas get a reddish-purple hue, hurt, and itch. In the same 2014 study, scientists discovered the CBD oil’s effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory drug: cannabinoids inhibit the activation of cytokines which may result in acne and inflammation in the skin.
  3. Cleanse the skin. In addition to natural sebum, the skin surface is daily exposed to dirt, dust, bacteria, and microorganisms that negatively affect its condition. A new study from 2016 confirms that CBD oil provides necessary antifungal and antibacterial effects.

So, can CBD oil help fight acne? Yes, numerous studies support the benefits of cannabinoid products for people suffering from acne. However, the effectiveness and use of specific CBD drugs will differ depending on the acne type and severity, as well as the patient’s age and gender, general health, and the presence of co-existing diseases.

What are the best remedies for acne

What are the best remedies for acne

Both the type of drug and specific recommendations for its use are purely individual. Some people use CBD oil for acne by applying it directly to rashes, while others take the oil orally to prevent disease or have longer-term effects. In any case, the opinion of the attending physician and the patient’s history are a priority.

So how to use CBD oil for acne? If you’ve bought cannabinoid oil for acne, it should be mixed with your base oil, applied to pimples, and left on the skin until completely absorbed. As a base oil, you can take shea butter, argan oil, coconut oil, or any other oil that meets the needs of your skin and positively affects its condition. Oral CBD products are taken according to the dosage and at the frequency specified in the instruction. However, topical drugs, for instance, CBD creams for acne, commonly have higher demand owing to their direct impact on sebaceous glands.

More clinical trials are needed to better assess the efficacy of cannabinoids in treating acne. To date, promising results are already obtained; and cannabinoids are still being studied and will continue to be researched. Experts assure us that you can try CBD-infused products to treat acne and expect noticeable benefits.

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