CBD Oil for Psoriasis

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Written by Alex Patsfield on 10/26/2022.
Data Last Updated: 05/31/2024.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon Author avatar Medically reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon Kimberly Langdon M.D. is a retired, board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist with 19-years of clinical experience. She graduated from The Ohio State University College of Medicine, earning Honors in many rotations. She then completed her OB/GYN residency program at The Ohio State University...

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Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease caused by the abnormally accelerated division of skin cells resulting in the formation of large pink-red plaques (patches) covered with white scales. Psoriasis mostly appears on elbows, palms, knees, feet, back, face, and scalp, causing pain, itching, irritation, and bleeding. Many psoriasis patients expect to find optimal therapeutic benefits from CBD products, seeing that numerous studies have proven their effectiveness in soothing pain and reducing inflammation.

Can CBD Oil really treat psoriasis?

Can CBD Oil really treat psoriasis?

The largest human organ is the skin. It protects the body and at the same time is the source of unpleasant, painful, and unaesthetic problems such as eczema and psoriasis. According to the IFPA organization, more than 125 million people with psoriasis are registered worldwide, that is, every 25th inhabitant of the Earth suffers from this chronic disease day by day.

Unfortunately, currently, there is no cure for this illness. Traditional medications can only temporarily improve the patient’s condition, although they often have many side effects. Therefore, doctors are in a constant search for effective drugs, and, fortunately, recent studies prove the effectiveness of CBD oil in treating psoriasis.

There are several triggers for psoriasis onset:

  • autoimmune one, when the body begins to perceive skin tissues as foreign invaders that must be attacked;
  • hereditary one, if a person has a gene defect that is linked to psoriasis;
  • Injured skin such as a bug bite;
  • Stress;
  • Illness;
  • Weather;
  • Allergies.

In any case, the following happens: due to the disorder of the immune system, skin cells start to divide every 4-6 days instead of the usual 3 weeks; then they become keratinized, provoking inflammation. The action of cannabinoids in treating psoriasis is aimed at eliminating these issues. Containing cannabinoids, CBD oil or cream for psoriasis affects the human endocannabinoid system, which in turn regulates the functioning of the brain, skin, and other organs and systems.

Current research on CBD as a treatment for psoriasis 

Let’s take a look at a few of the key roles that cannabinoid-infused products play in alleviating psoriasis symptoms:

Current research on CBD as a treatment for psoriasis 

  1. Regulation of the cell division process. In 2007, scientists Jonathan Wilkinson and Elizabeth Williamson proved that cannabinoids can inhibit the proliferation (overgrowth) of keratinocytes (main epidermis cells). Thus, we can talk about the suppression of the accelerated cell division cycle and the elimination of the visible psoriasis symptoms.
  2. Elimination of the inflammatory skin condition. According to a study conducted by Theodore Kapellos and his peer group supported by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Program Grant, CBD oil for psoriasis affects the endocannabinoid system providing a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Pain relief and itching soothing. The ability to ease pain is probably the most common reason why people use CBD. Because psoriasis causes mild to severe pain, many people find CBD creams, oils, and other CBD-enriched products (that have been scientifically proven to soothe and lessen pain) useful.

It’s a sure thing that more research has to be done to accurately understand the role of cannabis in treating psoriasis. However, over the past few years, patients have been successfully using CBD products to relieve their condition.

Best CBD forms for psoriasis

Best CBD forms for psoriasis

Therefore, many manufacturers of medical body care products have begun to include cannabinoids in the compositions of their CBD products. Experts affirm that to choose the best CBD oil for psoriasis patients should take into consideration their specific symptoms. Topical products (oils, lotions, serums, and ointments) are among suitable options. Oral medications such as capsules, chewing gums, candies, etc. are also available.

Please note! When buying CBD, you can come across 3 types of products:

  • CBD isolate: a pure product containing nothing but CBD;

Broad-spectrum CBD: a remedy based on all cannabinoids except THC;

Full-spectrum CBD: contains all types of cannabinoids, including a tiny dose of THC (may cause a euphoric effect).

Study the composition of CBD oil for psoriasis before purchase: avoid products with low content of cannabinoids or lack of relevant information on the label. Pay attention to the availability of certificates that indicate successful laboratory research. You should consult your doctor in case you’re taking other medications.

How to apply CBD oil for psoriasis

How to apply CBD oil for psoriasis

The selected product is ingested or applied directly to the skin. Always follow the instructions: some products need to be rubbed into the skin, while others should be left on the surface until completely absorbed. Whatever cannabinoid product you choose, start by applying the product to small areas of your skin to make sure there are no allergic reactions.

The dosage of CBD oil for psoriasis is also very individual. Creams and oils suggest applying 1-2 drops of the product directly to the affected skin. Oral forms are dosed per piece: you take 1 capsule or a few drops of oil under the tongue (about 5-10 mg to start), hold in your mouth for 60-90 seconds, and swallow, allowing the cannabinoids to pass into the bloodstream through the capillaries.

Thus, CBD products have earned their popularity for a reason. Moreover, the use of cannabinoids for eczema and psoriasis may become commonplace in the near future. Perhaps it is then that millions of people will be able to get rid of chronic skin disease and live a full life.

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