
How the results of new research will influence cannabis genetics in the future. Cannabis is rapidly becoming a subject of study by traditional scientists. In the past, the official position on cannabis has been: “It has no medical potential and the risk of abuse is too high.”  As a result, over the past decades, cannabis…

It is not a secret that Cannabis Sativa (which translates as “healthy hemp”) is among the most remarkable plants. Moreover, it can give humanity everything it needs to survive. It can be used to produce foodstuffs, paper products, textiles, plastic … Cosmetics based on hemp oil deserve special attention. Therefore, we have covered them in…

The reader may be interested to know that for several millennia, cannabis has been used by humans for eating, producing fiber, medical and spiritual uses. We would like to tell you about the medical uses of marijuana from ancient times to the present day. If you look back at the history of the plant, you…

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