
No matter which biological kingdom we look at, it is almost impossible to find a pure form of life, and cannabis is no exception. Take any individual plant, and it will almost certainly turn out to be a hybrid anyway. Moreover, weed farmers have even begun to experiment actively with numerous forms of artificially selected…

Ziploc bags have been the go-to storage solution for many cannabis enthusiasts for a long time. Convenient, inexpensive, and almost always at hand. But can it keep your weed fresh? For the most part, yes. A good-quality Ziploc bag can keep weed fresh for about 1-2 weeks, if properly sealed and stored in a cool,…

If you’re a cannabis plant enthusiast and you’ve grown your own marijuana plants before, then you probably already know that it’s possible to determine the sex of a cannabis plant. But what exactly is this all about? How can someone tell if their cannabis plants are male or female? What are the distinguishing features to…

Everything You’d Like to Know About Hemp Flower Cannabis has been known in many cultures all over the world ever since the dawn of history. Its role in human life is difficult to overestimate! To modern people, this plant is mostly associated with either recreational or medical use of cannabis buds (flowers). However, hemp can…

Long-Term Storage of Cannabis Seeds: Basic Principles and Useful Tips   Many online weed providers offer profitable deals on buying large quantities of cannabis seeds at huge discounts. No matter how attractive these offers are from a financial point of view, you must also consider whether you will be able to store the seeds for…

The Hemp

Let’s imagine the Olympic Games of all plants in the US, and try to choose a champion. Which one is the fastest grower? Or which one does the best job in cleaning up our planet? That would be quite a competition! And in lots of nominations the winner will be the same. Guess what? Let…

Marijuana varieties do not get their names by chance but have their own history, carry a hidden meaning that only a true hemp lover will understand.  The name can be a hint because in most cases breeders try to reflect the characteristics of the variety, the peculiarities of the taste, and the aroma of the…

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