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Virginia cannabis law

Key points
Legal status
Possession limits
Medical patients 4 oz per 30 days
Recreational users 1 oz
State taxes
Medical patients 5.3% sales tax
Recreational users 21% excise tax plus 5.3% sales tax
Medical patients Up to 12 plants for specified patients
Recreational users Up to 4 plants per household
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Concise guide to Virginia's medical marijuana laws

Qualifying Conditions

Any diagnosed condition or disease determined by the practitioner to benefit from such use.

Patient Possession Limits

The specified possession limit for botanical cannabis allows for up to 4 ounces per 30 days to be dispensed to a patient.The specified possession limit for cannabis products is a 90-day supply. Such products, as defined under the law, may contain up to 10 mg of THC per single dose. Products permitted under the law may be in any formulation, including inhalable, edible, and topical preparations.

Home Cultivation

Yes, cultivation of up to four plants per household is permitted by those 21 or older.

State-licensed Dispensaries Allowed


Medical Marijuana Statutes

§ 18.2-251.1. Possession or distribution of marijuana for medical purposes permitted.

§ 18.2-251.1:1. Possession or distribution of cannabis oil; public schools.

§ 4.1.-1600-1606 Cannabis Control Act: Medical Cannabis

§ 40.1-27.4 Discipline for employee’s medicinal use of cannabis oil prohibited


“Registered agent” means an individual designated by a patient who has been issued a written certification, or, if such patient is a minor or an incapacitated adult as defined in § 18.2-369, designated by such patient’s parent or legal guardian, and registered with the Board pursuant to subsection G.

Estimated Number of Registered Patients


Source: Virginia Cannabis Control Authority, as of May 2024

Employment Protections for Qualifying Patients





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